You are here: Open Houses and Caravans > Add your listing to a caravan

Adding your listing to a caravan

A caravan is an organized tour of new listings, designed to familiarize agents and brokers with newly listed properties. Caravans may alternately be called "MLS tours," or another label of your MLS's choosing. Caravans are usually managed by the MLS. In some cases, an office may set up a caravan for its agents only.

To add your listing to a caravan

  1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings.
  2. Click theRevise icon next to the desired listing number.
  3. In the Revise Listing menu (under Listing Information), click Caravan Dates.
  4. Use the Caravan drop-down field to select a caravan. You can enter a comment if desired.
  5. Click the Save button in the MLS toolbar.

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